The oceanic zone of Northeast Brazil in the southwestern tropical Atlantic Ocean is characterised by the presence of a variety of current systems. Thus, it has the potential to host a large diversity of phytoplankton species. In this context, we propose a comprehensive checklist of documented marine phytoplankton species in this region. To this end, we have compiled all the published material and supplemented it with original data from two comprehensive surveys, the ABRAÇOS surveys, covering the shelf, slope, and offshore areas of Northeast Brazil. Even if few articles were atrieved from our review research, a total of 719 phytoplankton taxa are reported, including 98 new records plus 45 potential new records from the ABRACOS data. Most taxa are accompanied by a comprehensive library of illustrations. The two major phytoplankton groups, dinoflagellates and diatoms, contributed similarly to the total checklist richness, which is consistent with the global phytoplankton diversity. The contribution of nano- and microphytoplankton varies between areas. The shelf displays a greater diversity of pennate and small/medium-sized diatoms. This may be attributed to the inputs from estuarine rivers as well as the resuspension of benthic diatoms. Conversely, dinoflagellates are more prevalent offshore, demonstrating their adaptability to changing nutritional conditions, by employing numerous metabolic and growth strategies to survive. This checklist, which reveals an remarkable diversity of nano- and microphytoplankton in Northeast Brazil, provides a valuable reference for scientists and managers to monitor community evolution under global change.
DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2024.103887
Carré C., Castro Melo P.A.M, Bec B., Cabanez L.F., Cordeiro I.A., Farias G.A., Jales M.C., Lacerda S.R., Silva N.B.A., Simier M., Silva-Cunha M.G.G., Bertrand A. 2024. A checklist of marine phytoplankton species of Northeast Brazil. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 80: 103887.