Full Members
Nationality Institution Last name First name Position Main discipline CV http:/ Axes %Time Email
Brazil UFPE SILVA Alex Pr Oceanography 4965336581977180 1,3 40
Brazil UFRN CARVALHO Adriana Pr Ecological Economics 1951710128353550 2,3 30
Brazil UFRA André Luiz Alves de Tec Biologia Molecular 5925556029018810 2 30
France IRD-MARBEC BERTRAND Arnaud DR Marine ecology 34595774087595 1,2,3 90
France CNRS-MARBEC DARNAUDE Audrey CR Marine ecology 0000-0001-7129-3902 2 30
France IRD-LEGOS KOCH-LARROUY Ariane CR Physical oceano., 0000-0002-9850-0518 1 90
Brazil UFPA BENTES Bianca Pr Fisheries ecology 750868396813509 2 50
France UM-MARBEC MERIGOT Bastien MCF Marine biodiversity, biostatistics 0000-0001-5264-4324 2 15
France IRD-MARBEC CARRE Claire IE Phytoplankton 0000-0002-1332-0340 2 65
Brazil UFPE VELEDA Dóris Pr Oceanography 7803469699401960 1 30
France AMU-MIO NÉRINI David MCF Statistics 2,3 30
Brazil UFPE SOARES Fabiana Tec Oceanography 7022936977992000 1,3 30
Brazil UFRPE SANTANA Francisco Marcante Pr Fisheries ecology 4286692304867550 2,3 30
Brazil UFRPE LUCENA-FRÉDOU Flávia Pr Fisheries ecology 4779271407117520 2,3 60
France IRD-MARBEC DUPONCHELLE Fabrice DR Fish ecology 000-0003-0497-2264 2,3 80
France IRD-LEGOS HERNANDEZ Fabrice CR Physic, currents 1 80
France IRD-MIO MÉNARD Frédéric DR Marine ecology 0000-0003-1162-660X 2,3 30
Brazil UFRGS TAVARES NUNES Guilherme Pr Marine ecology 9562168618492570 2,3 30
France UPS-LEGOS DADOU Isabelle Pr Oceanography: Physics and biogeochemistry 0000-0002-5521-4917 1 30
France IRD-MARBEC PANFILI Jacques DR ichthyology 0000-0003-0504-2384 2,3 80
Brazil UFPE FIDELIS Jesser Pr Zoology 1937412883296510 2 30
Brazil UFPA MARTINELLI FILHO José Eduardo Pr Biological Oceanography, 2080628833884530 2,3 30
Mexico IRD-MARBEC MOLINERO Juan Carlos DR Marine ecology 0000-0002-8015-8347 1,2,3 80
Brazil UFPE BRUTO Leonardo Tec Oceanography 8247928684193220 1,3 30
Brazil UFPA ROLLNIC Marcelo Pr Oceanography 0000-0002-8601-1514 1 30
Brazil UFPE SILVA Marcus Pr Oceanography 8863425142791710 1,3 30
France IRD-MARBEC COUAPEL Martine IE Paleoclimate 0000-0001-9742-6881 1,3 90
Brazil UFRPE MELO JÚNIOR Mauro Pr Plankton, Microplastics 6735233221650140 2,3 30
Brazil UFRJ MINCARONE Michael Maia Pr Ichthyology 194631586754988 2 60
Brazil UFPE ARAUJO Moacyr Pr Oceanography 3645486282001830 1,3 30
Brazil UFAL FABRÉ Nidia Pr Functional Ecology 8105962281566030 2 30
Brazil UFRA CAMPOS Paula Nepomuceno Pr Ichthyoplankton 4120043093712770 2,3 30
Brazil UFRPE DUARTE NETO Paulo Pr Probability and Statistics 459162904145828 1,2 30
Brazil UFRPE TRAVASSOS Paulo Pr Fish ecology 623255059511945 2,3 30
Brazil UFPE MELO Pedro Pr Biological Oceanography 6228329544284160 2,3 30
Brazil UFPE SCHWAMBORN Ralf Pr Zooplankton 8733048825246390 2,3 30
Brazil UFRPE LESSA Rosângela Pr Population dynamics 2446086662055310 2,3 30
Brazil UFPE LEITÃO Sigrid Pr Zooplankton 3909059819593160 2,3 30
France IRD-MARBEC LANCO BERTRAND Sophie DR Marine Ecology 0000-0003-1976-3799 2,3 30
Brazil UFRPE FRÉDOU Thierry Pr Fisheries ecology 8119220407894290 2,3 45
France U.Toulon-MIO LENOBLE Véronique MCF Chemistry 2,3 30
France IRD-MIO FAUVELLE Vincent CR Chemistry 2,3 30
France LOG VANTREPOTTE Vincent CR Marine Optics, Ocean colour remote sensing 1 30
Brazil UFRA DIAZ Xiomara Franchesca Garcia Pr Zooplankton 5056131244854120 2,3 30
Associated members
Nationality Institution Last name First name Position Main discipline CV Axes %Time Email
Brazil UFC – LABOMAR CARVALHO Alexandre null Coastal dynamics 8955595342392320 1, 3 20
Brazil UFC – LABOMAR FERREIRA Antonio Geraldo Pr Remote sensing applied to marine environment 5739567156715200 1,3 10
Brazil UFC HOUNSOU GBO Aubains Pr Oceanography 8417775721537040 1 10
France IRD-LEMAR LEBOURGES-DHAUSSY Anne IR Acoustics 0000-0002-2295-9285 1,2 15
Brazil UFRA DUNCK Bárbara Pr Phytoplankton 5535256632045860 2,3 10
Brazil UFPE FERREIRA Beatrice Pr Marine Ecology 6680356632730130 2 20
Brazil UFBA LENTINI Carlos Pr Physical Oceanography null 1 15 null
France IRD-LEGOS ALLAIN Damien IR tides null 1 10
France AMU-MIO BOULANGER Emilie PhD stud. Ecology/eDNA null 2,3 25
France IRD-MIO ARMOUGOM Fabrice IR Bioinformatics/ null 2,3 10
France LOG ARTIGAS Felipe MCF Phytoplankton/bacteria ecology, biogeochemical dynamics null 2 10
France CNAP-LEGOS BIROL Florence DR altimetry null 1 5
Brazil UFRJ DI DARIO Fabio Pr Ichthyology 2261018203276480 2 20
Brazil UFRN FREIRE Fulvio Pr Decapods 8313295480738030 2,3 20
France LOG LASRAM Frida Pr Trophic modelling null 2,3 5
France IRD-LEMAR LE LOC’H François DR Trophic ecology 0000-0002-3372-6997 2,3 15
Brazil UFRA HAMOY Igor Guerreiro Pr Biologia Molecular 8911516573302580 2 10
France IRD-LEMAR HABASQUE Jérémie IE Acoustics null 1,2 15
Brazil UFPA LEE James Pr Population biology 1693070833836560 2 15
France AMU-MIO BERLINE Léo MCF Modelling null 1,2,3 20
Brazil FURG BUGONI Leandro Pr Marine Ecology 2667491497535760 2,3 10
Brazil UFC – LABOMAR BEZERRA MENEZES Maria Ozilea Pr Climate and Ocean Dynamics and management policies 4537440664948150 1, 3 10
Brazil UFRN CINTRA Márcio Pr Physical Oceanography 9348402509955990 1,3 20
France IRD-MARBEC BEZ Nicolas DR Statistical ecology 0000-0002-3526-671X 2 10
France CNRS-MARBEC LOISEAU Nicolas CR Marine ecology 0000-0002-2469-1980 2,3 10
France AMU-MIO CUNY Philippe Prof Contaminant null 2,3 10
Brazil UFRJ GONÇALVES Pablo Rodrigues Pr Molecular biology 5388683684010000 2 20
France IRD-MARBEC GUILLOTREAU Patrice DR Marine economics 0000-0002-3083-1230 3 10
Brazil UFRN ANGELINI Ronaldo Pr Ecological Modeling 6739463859587160 2,3 25
Brazil UFC – LABOMAR CAVALCANTE Rivelino Pr Environmental impacts, Microplastic pollution 2253127527012520 1 20
France IRD-MIO CHANGEUX Thomas IR Marine ecology null 2,3 10
Brazil UFAL BATISTA Vandick Pr Conservation & Management 1107010719486640 2 20
France LOG BOUT-ROUMAZEILLES Viviane DR Sedimentology, mineralogy, geochemistry null 1 20
Student List
Surname, Name (nationality) University Level Grant (period) Date of Defence Subject Advisor(s)
Bastos, Rodrigo (Brazlian) UFPE PostDoc CNPq (2017-2018) n/a Analise da reparticão de nichos de Lutjanideos: inferencias a partir de distribuição por habitat e isotopos estaveis B. Padovani
Bertoldi Gaspar, Ana Lidia (Brazilian) UFPE PostDoc CNPq (2017-2018) n/a Population structure of reef fishes: a latitudinal and cross shelf analysis (model species). B. Padovani
COX Samantha (British) IRD / CNES Post-Doc 2018-2020 n/a Seabitat: Seabird Biodiversity in the Insular Tropical Atlantic: niche plasticity in oligotrophic environments submitted to climate change S. Bertrand; H. Demarcq
Grados, Daniel (Peruvian) UFPE PostDoc CAPES


n/a 3D characterization of the pelagic realm in Northeast Brazil A. Costa da Silva; A. Bertrand
Simone M.A. Lira PPGE UFRPE PostDoc PNPD-Capes(2018-2019) Distribution of Zooplankton from Tropical Oceanic Area off Northeast Brazil Prof. Dr. Mauro de Melo Júnior; Flávia Lucena Fredou; A. Bertrand
Alves Júnior, Flavio de Almeida (Brazilian) UFPE PhD CAPES


Ecologia da Comunidade de Camarões do Talude Continental Nordestino J. Fidelis de Souza Filho
Assunção, Ramilla (Brazilian) UFPE PhD CNPq (2017-2020) Caracterização dos processos e estruturas físicas, suas interações na região oceânica do ne brasileiro: utilizando eco-sonda, CTD e ADCP A. Costa da Silva; A. Bertrand
Basílio, Patricia (Brazilian) UFPE PhD CAPES


Microplâncton no entorno de ilhas oceânicas e plataforma continental do nordeste do Brasil. S. Neuman Leitao
Dimoune, Minto (Benin) UFPE PhD CNPq


Circulation and heat transport along the western tropical Atlantic off Brazil M. Araujo

F. Hernandez

Dossa, Alina Nathanaël (Benin) UFPE PhD CAPES (2017-2020) Ocean circulation and its influences on the continental shelf of the NE Brazil region and the adjacent ocean region A. Costa da Silva; A. Bertrand
Figueiredo, Gabriela (Brazilian) UFPE PhD CAPES


Integrated study of the size-spectra and stable isotopes distributions of pelagic communities in Northeast Brazil R. Schwamborn; F. le Loc’h
Guazzelli Gonzalez, Júlio (Brazilian) UFRPE PhD CAPES


Estuaries as nursery habitats for horse-eye jacks (Caranx latus) in northeastern Brazil T. Frédou, A. Daunarde
KAMDOUM Joël (Cameroonian) U. de Montpellier PhD (Cifre/EU)


Outils d’aide à la décision pour la planification spatiale marine: défis et opportunités pour les écosystèmes tropicaux S. Bertrand; S. Thorin
Lino Lippi, Daniel (Brazilian) UFPE PhD CNPq


Cross-shelf patterns on otolith chemistry and diet (stomach content and stable isotopes) of parrotfishes (Labridae: Scarinae) B. Padovani
Lins Silva, Nathália (Brazilian) UFPE PhD CNPq


Espectros de tamanhos de mesopartículas e zooplâncton em ambientes estuarinos, costeiros e oceânicos do atlântico tropical R. Schwamborn
Lira, Alex (Brazilian) UFRPE PhD CAPES


Evaluation of the shrimp fishery in Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil: an ecosystem approach F. Lucena Frédou/F. Le L´och
Santos, Lucas (Brazilian) UFRPE MSc FACEPE


Life history of the shorthead drum in northeastern Brazil F. Lucena Frédou/F. Le L´och
Nolé, Leandro (Brazilian) UFRPE PhD CNPq (2017-2021) Biodiversity, abundance, trophic ecology, distribution and assemblage structure of the mesopelagic fish fauna. F. Lucena Frédou, A. Bertrand, M. Mincarone, F. Ménard
Pelage, Latifa (French) UFRPE PhD CAPES


Disentangling the anthropic environmental effects of the fish fauna along coastal environments in Northeast Brazil Thiérry Frédou; Gilles Domalain
Pereira Samantha (Brazilian) UFAL PhD CAPES


Amazonian fisheries: site selection and interannual variability Vandick Batista; S. Bertrand
Salvetat, Julie (Franco-Brazilian) UFRPE PhD CAPES (2018-2022) Characterization of tropical fish distribution around an oceanic archipelago from multifrequency underwater acoustics and video profiles. Master thesis of the University of Toulon, France. A. Bertrand, P. Travassos, D. Nerini
Vargas, Gary (Peruvian) UFRPE PhD CAPES 2017-2020 Classificação acústica multifrequência das comunidades pelágica e demersais e de seu habitat no nordeste do Brasil A. Bertrand; F. Lucena Frédou
Vasconcelos Filho, Jonas Eloi (Brazilian) UFRPE PhD FACEPE


Internal and external morphology of otoliths P. Duarte
Barkoebas, Barbara UFPE MSc CAPES 2018-2020 Distribuição Espaço-Temporal Do Zooplâncton Gelatinoso Nerítico e Oceânico Do Nordeste Do Brasil S. Neumann-Leitâo; X. Garcia
BELTRÃO Tatiana (Brazilian) UFRPE MSc CAPES


Spatial-temporal dynamics of fishery activity in Fernando de Noronha based on geolocation data from miniGPS S. Bertrand P. Travassos
CARDOSO, Catarina (Brazilian) UFRPE MSc CAPES (2017-2019) Distribution, abundance and populational aspects of Haemulidae in the Northeast of Brazil. F. Lucena
DASSOUNDO, Léon (Benin) UAC, UPST MSc TOTAL (2016) Sept. 2016 Analyse des données courantométriques de la campagne Abracos au large du Nordeste Brésilien A. Chaigneau; A. Costa da Silva
Dos Santos Carlos Henrique (Brazilian) UFRPE MSc CAPES (2017-2019) Application of Functional data Analyses on oceanographic data P. Duarte; A. Bertrand
Fazekas, Laila (Brazilian) UFPE MSc CAPES (2017-2019) Modelagem da circulação hidrodinâmica sobre a plataforma continental e talude na borda sudoeste do Atlântico tropical. M. André Silva M. Araujo
FIGUEIREDO Leila (Brazilian) UFAL MSc UFAL / Boticario 2015-2017 Feb 2018 Padrões de forrageio de Rabos-de-palha-de-bico- amarelo Phaethon lepturus no Atlântico Tropical M. Efe; S. Bertrand
Limeira, Àdamo (Brazilian) UFRPE MSc. FACEPE (2018-2019) Trophic Ecology of Haemulidae in Northeast Brazil F. Lucena Frédou
MOHRING Bertille (French) Agroparitech MSc June-august 2017 Étude de trajectoire de Fous à pieds rouges (Sula sula) et de Fous masqués (Sula dactylatra) par segmentation/classification S. Bertrand; M.E. Etienne; E. Lebarbier
Nolé, Leandro (Brazilian) UFRPE MSc CNPq (2016-2017) 08/2017 Diversity, abundance, distribution and assemblage structure of the demersal fish fauna of the continental shelf off northeastern brazil (4º to 9ºs) F. Lucena Frédou, T. Frédou
Paes, Barbara (Brazilian) UFPE MSc CNPq (2016-2017) Feb. 2018 Water masses characterisation in northeast Brazil with CTDO profiles A. Costa da Silva; A. Chaigneau
Queiroz, Syumara (Brazilian) UFPE MSc CAPES 2018-2020 Relações nictimerais em sub-mesoescala entre a hidrodinâmica e a biota do talude oceânico de Tamandaré-Pe Marcus Silva, Moacyr Araújo
Reis Júnior, Josafá José do Carmo PPGBEA/UFRPE MSc CNPq (2017-2019) Ecomorfologia funcional do corpo e dos otólitos das espécies de peixes do NE do Brasil P. Duarte-Neto; T. Fredou
Tarmeño, Nicolás (Peruvian) UFRPE MSc CAPES 2017-2018 Helminth fauna of marine fishes from Northeast Brazilian Coastal J. Bianque
Pigot, Anthony Daniel UFRPE BSc Ecomorfologia funcional do corpo e dos otólitos das espécies de peixes do NE do Brasil P. Duarte-Neto
Salvetat, Julie (Franco-Brazilian) U. Toulon MSc 2017-2018 July 2018 Characterisation of tropical fish distribution around an oceanic archipelago from multifrequency underwater acoustics and video profiles A. Bertrand; P. Travassos; A. Lebourges
Soares, Andrey (Brazilian) UFPE MSc CNPq (2016-2018) Distribution patterns and population aspects of the Saramunete Pseudupeneus maculatus in the Northeast of Brazil. Thiérry Frédou
Roy Amédée (French) Supaero MSc IRD/Marbec 2018 Sept. 2018 Year-round at sea movements of boobies from Fernando de Noronha with GLS loggers S. Bertrand; K. Delord
Vargas, Gary (Peruvian) UFRPE MSc CAPES (2016-2017) 02/2017 Application of multifrequency acoustic to discriminate pelagic communities in the Archipelago of Fernando de Noronha and the Atoll das Rocas F. Lucena Frédou; A. Bertrand
Afonso, Gabriel (Brazilian) UFRJ IC 2018 Diversidade e distribuição de Stephanoberyciformes das Ilhas oceânicas do nordeste do Brasil M. M. Mincarone
Araujo, Fabiana (Brazilian) UFRJ IC 2018 Diversidade e distribuição de Myctophiformes das Ilhas oceânicas do nordeste do Brasil M. M. Mincarone
Araujo, Julia (Brazilian) UFPE IC PRH-CsF (2016-2018) Interaction circulation-topography in the NBUC-NBC system along the North(east) Brazil M. Araujo; M. André Silva
Barbosa, Edipo (Brazilian) UFRPE BSc 2018 Analysis of stomach contents of Haemulidae species T. Frédou
Farias, Kaio Henrique (Brazilian) UFPE BSc 2016-2017 Macrozooplâncton da zona eufótica de ambientes neríticos e oceânicos do Atlântico tropical S. Neumann Leitão
Farruggia, Aurelia (French) SupAgro Montpellier IC IRD/Marbec/UFRPE 2018 2018 Classification of organisms observed by video A. Bertrand; J. Salvetat
GAL Maxime (French) SupAgro Montpellier IC IRD/Marbec/UFRPE 2018 2018 A catalogue of data for tropical MSP in Brazil S. Bertrand; G. Domalian
Klayton Carvalho dos Anjos (Brazilian) MOUFPE/CAV BSc 2017 – 2018 Estrutura de comunidade do ictioplâncton do Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha. S. H..Lima Schwamborn; J. Ribeiro de Santana
Letícia Stefany Santos de França (Brazilian) MOUFPE/CAV BSc 2017 – 2018 Distribuição, composição e abundância de larvas de Carangidae de ilhas oceânicas do Nordeste do Brasil Silvia Helena Lima Schwamborn
Lima, Rayssa (Brazilian) UFRPE BSc 2018 Illustrative catalog of Mictophidae species from Northeast Brazil F. Lucena
Lopes, Vitor (Brazilian) UNESP BSc 2018 Ecology of cephalopods T. Vaske
Martins, Julia (Brazilian) UFRJ IC 2017 Diversidade e distribuição de Myctophiformes das Ilhas oceânicas do nordeste do Brasil M. M. Mincarone
Menezes, Idelzuíte (Brazilian) UFRPE BSc CAPES (2016) Myctophidae das Ilhas Oceânicas no Nordeste do Brasil. F. Lucena Frédou
Trotta, Caterine (Brazilian) UNESP BSc 2018 Ecology of cephalopods T. Vaske
Villarins, Bárbara (Brazilian) UFRJ IC FUNBIO (2017-2019) Diversidade e distribuição de Stomiiformes das Ilhas Oceânicas no nordeste do Brasil M. M. Mincarone

UFPE : Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Brazil); UFRPE : Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (Brazil); UAC: Université d’Abomey Calavi de Cotonou (Benin); UPST: Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse III (France)