Karla A. Avelino, a young woman from Rio Formoso, has made a name for herself as an emerging leader on climate and sustainability issues. A fisherwoman from the Z-7 colony and an entrepreneur in the artisanal fishing sector, Karla is also studying fisheries engineering at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE). She also works as a communicator, extension worker and researcher at LMI Tapioca, where she produces audiovisual materials, develops research and mobilizes collective actions in coastal, rural and urban areas.
Karla is co-author of the article “The perception of Rio Formoso fishermen about current global changes” (Pelage et al., 2023) and actively participates in other research on the south coast of Recife. Her work is recognized for addressing critical environmental issues and raising awareness about the impacts of climate change on local communities.

Now, Karla is taking another significant step in her career by being chosen as a Young Climate Ambassador. She will take part in the Regional Youth Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean (RCOY), which will be held in Belém do Pará from September 6 to 10 this year. She will also be able to represent Brazil at COP 29, the most important global climate conference, which will take place in Azerbaijan, where world leaders will discuss climate negotiations and the future of humanity.
Karla’s participation in these conferences is a source of pride for her community and reinforces the importance of young leaders in the fight against climate change. Follow and support her journey on social media: @climaterealitybrasil, @centrobrasilnoclima, @canranguejouca, @sereiadomarpescado, @karlalbuq @lmitap.