Some news about the TAPIOCA-ABRAÇOS meeting to be held on June 05-06: • Please find in attached the programme of the meeting (if you have
Estudo realizado por instituto francês, em parceria com a UFPE e a UFRPE, contabilizou 162 ninhos na ilha neste ano. Em 2018, foram registrados 388
From 6 to 17 May 2019, Arnaud Bertrand (IRD/MARBEC, UFPE, UFRPE) gave a 60-hour lecture in ecosystem ecology in Recife, Brazil. This lecture forms part
O festival Pint of Science tem como objetivo oferecer palestras interessantes e relevantes sobre as últimas pesquisas científicas em um formato acessível ao público –
The CAPES-COFECUB, which funds academic exchanges between Brazil and France, is the oldest Brazilian international exchange program. A conference was organized by UFPE in Recife
Analysis of the spatial behaviour of fishing activity in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago (Northeast, BR), based on GPS data. Jury:Sophie Bertrand, Beatrice Padovani Ferreira
This Café Scientifique presented how technology can now be used to track the movements and behaviours of large marine organisms (including seabirds and fishermen), map
From April 15 to 27, a field work mission was carried out in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago on seabirds (masked boobies). The team, led
On May 01-03, Audrey Darnaude gave a theoretical and practical lecture on the use of natural tagging focusing on otolith microchemistry for the study of
Pesquisadores brasileiros e franceses fazem mapeamento das espécies de peixes em Fernando de Noronha
Projeto piloto utiliza equipamentos modernos para fazer uma ‘radiografia’ do fundo do mar, como um robô submarino que permite registros em três dimensões (3D). “É