Length‐weight relationship parameters were calculated for twelve mesopelagic fish species from the western Tropical Atlantic: Diretmus argenteus, Melamphaes polylepis, Bolinichthys distofax, Diaphus lucidus, Diaphus splendidus, Electrona risso, Hygophum taaningi, Taaningichthys bathyphilus, Melanolagus bericoides, Winteria telescopa, Diplophos taenia, Astronesthes similus. Data was collected off northeastern Brazil from April 9th to May 6th, 2017. Hauls were conducted during day and night at 47 stations by using a micronekton trawl (body mesh: 40 mm, cod‐end mesh: 10 mm) from 10 to 1,113 m depth. The material was fixed in a 4% formalin solution for 1 month and then preserved in a 70% alcohol solution for proximally 6 months before processing for length (nearest 0.1 cm of standard length) and weight (nearest 0.01 g of total weight). A new maximum standard length for Winteria telescopa is also provided.
Eduardo L.N., Lucena-Frédou F., Mincarone M.M., Villarins B.T., Martins J.R., Afonso G.V.F., Frédou T., Lira A.S., Bertrand A. 2020. Length-weight relationship of twelve mesopelagic fishes from the western Tropical Atlantic. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 36: 845–848.