Co-badging is an agreement between universities on joint supervision on the doctoral degree, which increase both students and universities levels of internationalization and provide for students a diploma from each of the institutions. Currently, three TAPIOCA students are enrolled in co-badging programs between the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE) and French universities:
– Alex Souza Lira, supervised by Flávia Lucena Frédou at UFRPE and by François le Loc’h (IRD) at the Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO – Ph.D in Écologie Marine) in the Laboratoire des Sciences de L’Environnement Marin (LEMAR) – Brest;
– Júlio Guazzelli Gonzalez, supervised by Thierry Frédou at UFRPE and Audrey Darnaude (CNRS) at the Université de Montpellier (UM – Ph.D in Sciences de la Mer) in the research unit ‘MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation’ (MARBEC) – Montpellier;
– Leandro Nolé Eduardo, supervised by Flávia Lucena Frédou at UFRPE and Arnaud Bertrand (IRD) at the Université de Montpellier (UM – Ph.D in Sciences de la Mer) in the resarch unit MARBEC – Sète.