PhD Defence,  On February 20, 2019, Flavio de Almeida Alves Júnior defended his PhD thesis: “Community Ecology, Taxonomy and Geographic Distribution of the Deep-Sea Shrimps in Northeastern Brazil” at the UFPE.

Abstract: This thesis aimed to analyze the community structure of the deep-sea shrimps collected along the continental slope in Potiguar Basin, in addition highlighting the taxonomic aspects and geographic distribution of these groups collected in this area and around Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Rocas Atoll and the seamounts of Ceará Chain, all areas located in Northestern Brazil, with the material being provided by two projects Bpot and ABRAÇOS. In total were observed 49 species in Bpot project, while in Abraços surveys were collected 27 species of the deep-sea shrimps. The informations showed herein highlight the first observations about the aspects of deep-sea shrimps community occurring in Potiguar basin, beyond of the taxonomic composition and distributional aspects of this deep fauna associated with these two projects.
