From December 11-12, Gérard Eldin (IRD/LEGOS) gave a theoretical and practical lecture on “Processing vessel-mounted ADCP data with the CODAS processing software” in Recife, Brazil. This Lecture was funded and is a contribution to the LMI TAPIOCA (Axis 1.2.). Objective of the course: hull-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) allow continuous recording of currents profiles while the ship is underway or on-station. Post-cruise data processing is necessary to improve the quality of raw data, check and correct possible calibration errors of the ADCP and obtain final data in different formats. This training course recalled the basic principles of ADCP functioning, and exposed the principles of processing with the CODAS software, developed at the University of Hawaii. Then some ABRAÇOS cruise data were processed as a practical exercise. The presentations of the theoretical lecture can be downloaded here: Part 1, Part 2.