From 16 to 25 April 2018 Arnaud Bertrand, Paulo Travassos and Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy organised the second survey ‘Fish Acoustic around Fernando de Noronha’ (FAROFA2) in
The 2nd Meeting of the LMI TAPIOCA – 5th Meeting ABRAÇOS was held in the CEERMA, UFPE, Recife in November 27-29, 2018. More than 80
From Oct. 22 to Nov. 02, 2018, Sophie Bertrand (IRD/MARBEC) gave a 60-hour lecture in “Movement ecology of marine megafauna: biologging options and statistical modelling”
From 5 to 16 November 2018, Arnaud Bertrand (IRD/MARBEC) gave a 60-hour lecture in ecosystem ecology in Recife, Brazil. This lecture forms part of the
The second course in Ecosystem Acoustics (theory and practice) was organized from October 8-19, 2018 (60 h) in Recife, Brazil, as part of the Master
4th ABRACOS Meeting April 9th-10th, 2018 – CEERMA Amphitheatre, UFPE, Recife, Brazil The kick-off meeting of the new international joint laboratory Tropical Atlantic Interdisciplinary Laboratory