Abstract: This data set was obtained from two ROMS model simulations in the region of Brazil located at 60°W–15°W / 25°S – 15°N. One of
Abstract: Running a numerical simulation with the ROMS model in the regions of the mouths and plumes of the São Francisco and Parnaiba rivers, this
The southwestern tropical Atlantic is a region of complex ocean dynamic where originates the strong western boundary current system composed of North Brazil current and
In western boundary current systems, strong currents transport oligotrophic oceanic waters towards the coast. Thaliaceans may have an advantage in these systems due their ability
Abstract: The ABRACOS (Acoustics along the BRAzilian COaSt) cruise aims to begin an integrated approach to monitoring the tropical marine ecosystems in the Brazilian Nordeste
Abstract: The ABRACOS (Acoustics along the BRAzilian COaSt) cruise aims to begin an integrated approach to monitoring the tropical marine ecosystems in the Brazilian Nordeste
Here we report on new data on the occurrence and distribution of rare deep-sea fishes (Teleostei) collected from off north-eastern Brazil, including seamounts and oceanic
Já imaginou discutir sobre as questões ambientais e os problemas climáticos de uma maneira divertida e crítica ao mesmo tempo? Cartas contra o Planeta é
A plataforma amazônica engloba uma variedade de processos físicos, tais como entradas fluviais, correntes costeiras, mesoescala, filamentos, marés, ondas internas e afloramento, influenciando as concentrações
Uma equipe de cientistas da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco e da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, em conjunto com o instituto de pesquisa