TROPFORCE: Tropical surface fluxes anomalies
Date: 2021-12-16

Authors: Humberto L. Varona; Fabrice Hernandez; Arnaud Bertrand; Carlos Noriega; Moacyr Araujo

DOI: 10.11922/sciencedb.01368

Description: TROPFORCE dataset is a product that contains the surface anomalies of the entire tropical region (180°W – 179.5°E/30°S – 30°N) of the heat fluxes and of the incident and reflected radiation, surface winds, pressure at the sea level, precipitation, air temperature and specific humidity. These are calculated from MERRA2, JRA55, ERA-I and CFSR datasets. The data is in NetCDF format and is 3D grids. The objective of this dataset is to facilitate researchers to study the anomalies on the ocean surface during the occurrence of short and medium duration physical processes such as low pressures, cold fronts, hurricanes and others.

We wish to express our thanks to the TRIATLAS project (Tropical and South Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystem predictions for sustainable management), to Tropical Atlantic Interdisciplinary Laboratory on physical, biogeochemical, ecological and human dynamics (IJL TAPIOCA) and the Brazilian Research Network on Global Climate Change (Rede CLIMA).