The tropical Atlantic observing system was last reviewed in 2006 by CLIVAR (Climate and Ocean: Variability, Predictability and Change) and GCOS-GOOS-WCRP through the OOPC (Ocean Observations Panel for Climate), with a primary focus on PIRATA (Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic). Since then, the CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Climate Experiment (TACE) and the EU program Enhancing Prediction of Tropical Atlantic Climate and its Impacts (PREFACE) have been completed. Scientific priorities and observational technologies have evolved since 2006 and in parallel the observing system has evolved. For example, Argo is now fully developed and has been operating successfully for more than ten years. PIRATA has also expanded to new sites and has enhanced its measurement suite with higher vertical resolution in the mixed layer, and new CO2 and O2 measurements. It is therefore timely to systematically review the requirements for sustained observations in the tropical Atlantic, to critically review the design of the sustained observing system in order to take advantage of what has been learned to date, to collectively identify new opportunities to build on past accomplishments, and to explore the possibility for expanded interdisciplinary initiatives with other communities, e.g. in biogeochemistry.
To that end, a Tropical Atlantic Observing System (TAOS) review was proposed by the CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel (ARP) and has been organized by the CLIVAR ARP in close cooperation
with the PIRATA consortium. The review is intended to evaluate scientific progress since the last review and recommend actions to advance sustained observing efforts in the tropical Atlantic.
Download full report: TAOS Review Report_final_13May2021
Johns, William, S. Speich, M. Araujo and lead authors, 2021: Tropical Atlantic Observing
System (TAOS) Review Report. CLIVAR-01/2021, 218 pp